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Chapter 10 Helm
She loved being a doctor she really did but her idea of fun was not peds, Helm thought as she made her way up to the peds floor where she would be spending the next five shifts.
Why couldn’t she just pick the specialism that she wanted already? She thought and then she would have to be spending her vital time learning medicine that she would probably never use again.
“Ah doctor Helm, it’s so good of you to finally join us” came the voice of Doctor Hayes who was already starting rounds of this patients.
“Sorry” was all Helm could bring herself to say as she didn’t really want to be here, but she had no choice but to be here, so she just had to suck it up.
He must have seen it in her attitude. “This is the children’s ward and if you can’t at least be happy around them then you might as well get out of here and do all of the scut for the next week, does that sound more appealing?” Cormac asked not wanting to deal with someone stropping all day when he had to deal with that at home.
“No, I’m good” Helm said not wanting to do scut even less than she wanted to be on the peds wards. So she tried to bring a smile to face if there was one thing worse for her than peds it was the scut on peds.
“Good then, put a smile on that face and then come with me” Making Helm smile after he had said that, as he turned his back on her before he walked in the other direction, away from helm as he just expected the other doctor to follow after him in which he was right as she quickly realised that that was what she was meant to do.
Not knowing if she should ask or not where they were going as she did not want to annoy the senior doctor more than she already did. Not when he could put her in the worse of the jobs list for the next week, but she was meant to be in paediatrics this week and that is where they were heading out of right now “Where are we going?” Helm asked deciding that she did need to know where they were heading.
“We’re working with Doctor DeLuca on a case this week or well today we are” he said as he continued to walk down the corridor leaving Helm no choice but to follow after him. After all he was her senior doctor for the week she should follow after him.
“But she’s an OB?” Helm asked not understanding why they might be working with said another doctor, not understanding why that would link up.
“Exactly Doctor DeLuca is worried about a mother and baby. The mother will be her responsibility, but the baby will be ours so we will help to monitor the baby while Doctor Deluca focuses on the mother” Doctor Hayes says, not looking back at the junior doctor as he carried on walking to the OB section of the hospital.
She had never worked with Doctor Deluca before, but she was one of the most talked about doctors in the hospital, so she had heard enough about her to know that she was a welled loved doctor if not abit bit scare; with a lot of her fellow doctors saying that you didn’t want to get on the wrong side of the Italian Doctor.
Knowing that she needed to get through this week alive, she had to make a good impression on the doctor so that she didn’t have to discover what her peers meant when they said the Italian fire.
Getting to the OB ward they saw a wired Doctor DeLuca; “We are going well I am, you can come with if you want” Carina called at the two of them as she carried on her half marching half walking and for the life of her Helm couldn’t help but find it incredibly hot, knowing that the doctor was also and expert on the female orgasm wasn’t helping her in her emotional dilemma; how do you not find that attractive? How was she meant to work with her and not find that incredibly attractive?
“Where are we going then Doc?” Called Hayes quickly following after the doctor, being a lot more used to dropping things and running to the new than the junior doctor.
“What about the other patient?” Hayes asked at they made their way to the storeroom where the incident suited were stored, showing that they were leaving the hospital for something.
“The situation has changed with that Mum, so my residents are watching her and the bambino, but it is now just monitoring the situation to ensure that it does not change” Carina said still worrying about the mum and bambino, but they were stable at the minute. So that was all they could do right now.
“So where are we going?” Hayes asked as she threw one of the suits at the waiting younger doctor “Suit up if you’re coming then Helm” Just nodding her head Helm started to put the clothing on, not knowing what to say to DeLuca when they had never interacted before.
“There’s been a crash on the highway two pregnant woman trapped in the car, they need us to monitor the moms and babes when they are removing them from the vehicles. They are worried about both mothers and babes” Carina said as she zipped up the suit leaving the room, expecting the two other doctors to follow behind her.
Which they did Helm went running after the Italian doctor, not that had heard anything that she had just said as she too busy starring at the senior doctor to take note of what she was saying. This might be a terrible idea to go to an incident with DeLuca, not that she has a choice now.
So, she followed the other doctors into the aid car that was taking them to the scene, she was abit scared at this. It was one of the few times that she had ever been out of the hospital to treat anyone.
Pulling up at the incident five minutes later, the car was a wreck, there were still patients in both of the vehicles and there was a traffic jam from them having to stop the traffic so that they could work, on the patients still in the car.
“Good of you Doctors to join us” called the captain that was now standing in front of them, where had he appeared from? Who also seemed like the epitome of the man male ego and that was just from that one sentence.
“Right, we have two trapped pregnant women stuck in that car over there, we need you to monitor them as we take them out. They might be your patients, but they are still our responsibly and so are you at this point. That means that you listen to Bishop over there. You are not in control here I am is that understood doctors?” the Captain asked while not taking his eyes off Doctor Deluca the entire time.
“Yes, Captain” both the senior doctor said being more than used to getting this speech of some kind when they left the hospital and came to an incident site. Helm just nodded her head, being slightly overwhelmed by everything that was just thrown at her. This all seemed so new right now.
“Over there’s Bishop, she will give you the run through” and with that he just walked away like he didn’t care what they did after he warned them what not to do.
“Helm grab the monitors and the bags” Hayes said not giving her another look as they started to walk over to the vehicles they were needed at.
“You know that she can’t keep her eyes off you?” Hayes asked to his fellow doctor, when Helm was out of ear shot and with them walking towards her wife.
“Who? Maya, she is my wife”. Looking around she locked eyes with her wife, as much as she didn’t like going in the field, she did always enjoy getting to see her wife even if it was at work.
Chuckling “Not your wife, Helm” Hayes said as they got to the vehicle and started to size up what they had to deal with.
“See that they sent us the finest doctors then” Was Maya greets as they got close enough. “Mom one has the steering wheel pushing straight on the baby bump. And Mom two circulation is being crushed and in pinned down by her legs” with that Said Maya continued to stabilise the neck of mom one.
“Right, I have the equipment” Helm said as she came running back with the equipment.
“Helm take over from the lieutenant stabilising the patient’s neck” Hayes said as he started to pull out the fatal motors handing one over to the other doctor so she could set one up while he sorted out the other patient.
“Who, who is that?” Helm asked as some how she had not seen the fire fighter that was in the car with the patient.
“That would be me” Maya replied giving the junior doctor the stern look that she had become known for and what Carina found very sexy.
OH MY GOD. Why was she surrounded by fit women right now? But by God she looked angry, why was the blonde so angry? Nodding her head, she moved next to the fire fighter “You know I’m no doctor, but I would say that you needed a neck brace, no?” Maya sternly asked having been folding her head for the last ten minutes. She was trying not to let her frustration out on the young doctor that was already looking flush, she definitely had abit of a crush on her wife even if she didn’t know it yet.
“Right, yes right away” stumbling back out of the car to receive the brace, this might be a long day she thought as she watched the junior doctor being flush around her wife again.
With the Junior doctor running back to her, securing the patients neck Maya could move again allowing the doctor to resume their treat of the patient while she tried to extricate them from the vehicle.
With Maya heading back to the fire truck to get other equipment, the doctors were left alone for a second as the fire fighters started to place all the equipment that they needed, around the vehicle ready for the extraction.
“She’s stern” Helm said as she watched the other woman walk away from them.
Smirking Carina didn’t say anything not wanting to get into something right now. But Hayes didn’t seem to have the same problem “What; Carina’s wife?” Hayes said teasing Helm while also not taking his eyes off the patient he was treating.
“She’s your wife? I mean I knew that you were married you wear your ring and all. But I didn’t know that she was your wife. Wow I mean om my god, you know what I’ll be quite now” Helm said as a gaggle of fire fighters came back from the truck saving her from what either of the doctor was about to say.
“Are we good doctors?” Called who she now knew as Carina’s wife and wow that was one good looking couple.
“Yes, we’re ready” said Hayes, moving to a better angle for the fire fighters to start their work.
“Let’s get them out of this car then” Maya said trying not to laugh when she saw the fear in the eyes of the junior doctor, knowing that it was herself causing it and not the situation, that was a different kind of fearful look.
Later with the patients out and being checked over by the doctors before they were transferred to the hospital. “You know that your junior doctor has the hots for you right?” Maya said as she came to stand next to her wife wanting to spend just abit more time with her as she knew that Carina would be back at the hospital pretty soon and then they wouldn’t be seeing each other for ten more hours at least.
Still checking on the patient “No she does not. Just because she likes women does not mean that she automatically likes me like that” Carina said always wanting to see the best in people and she never understood why people always threw themselves at her.
“I didn’t even know that she was gay. I just know that she hasn’t taken her eyes off you the entire time that you’ve been here” Maya said as they pushed the patient into the waiting ambulance.
“Bambina don’t be jealous” Carina said as she climbed into the ambulance with her patient.
Knowing that she wasn’t going to get anywhere with her wife she said nothing more of if “Love you” Maya said as she shut the door to the ambulance, before banging on the side to let them know that they were clear to leave.
Turning around she headed to the two other doctors that were clearing up the gear that they left around as they secure the other patient that wasn’t as bad as they first thought.
“Good work, I never caught your name?” Maya said as she stood next to Helm, still not smiling at the doctor, as she was acting more like captain Bishop than Maya.
“Helm, sir, Ma’am.” Helm stuttered out, as for some reason this fire fighter was really throwing her off, trying to get some confidence back she continued.
“Thanks, so you’re married to Doctor DeLuca then?” she asked as she watched Hayes, work there was nothing for her to do right now. “Lucky” Helm said under her breath, which was not meant for Bishop to hear.
“I am lucky” Maya bluntly said having heard what she said, finding it hard to disagree with the younger woman when she knew she was lucky to have Carina as her wife.
“Very lucky in fact” Maya said while looking into her eyes trying to get a message across.
Blushing abit “Yes, well yes erm.” Not knowing what to say for once Helm didn’t say anything and just wished for the ground to swallow her up, how could the two wives be more opposite? Doctor DeLuca always seemed easy going, even if she did apparently have a fierce side; where her wife seemed closed off and moody. She couldn’t see how the two wives were together never mind married. She thought that DeLuca’s spouse would be lighter and more easy going like the doctor herself.
“Helm lets go” Called Hayes.
“Thanks for your help today” Maya said with a slight nod of the head and an apprehensive look, yeah she would be avoiding her where she could, Helm thought as she climbed into the ambulance to get back to the hospital.